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8 Signs Your Loved One May Have Dementia

Dementia is a catchall phrase for a number of brain illnesses that impair your memory and cognition. According to the World Health Organization, more than 50 million people currently have dementia, and that number is predicted to triple over the next four decades.

If you’re concerned that your loved one may have dementia, our team at The Well for Health in Davidson, North Carolina, offers comprehensive diagnostics and compassionate care. To help you determine if your parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other loved one is suffering from dementia, we’re detailing eight telltale warning signs. 

Inability to perform routine activities

If you notice that your loved one struggles to remember which way to turn when taking a familiar route, or comes back from the grocery store without items they went to get, can’t remember how to set the table, or how to play a game they love, they could be developing early stage dementia.

Loss of memory

One of the main symptoms of dementia is the inability to remember new or basic information. Examples include appointment times, phone numbers, what day it is, what season it is, or the name of a close family member.

Trouble communicating

People with dementia have trouble following and participating in a conversation. They may repeat themselves over and over again or ask you about something that you just explained, as if they never heard you say it. You may also notice they have trouble finding words when they’re in mid-sentence and struggle to finish what they are saying.


Losing interest in activities or hobbies they once loved is a key sign of dementia. In fact, recent research shows that up to 70% of people who are apathetic about learning new things or meeting new people have dementia. 


People with dementia seem to fixate on problems or potential problems and fret and worry about things that may not seem serious to you. As dementia progresses, it seems to exacerbate the anxiety. We recommend that you talk with your loved one about their fears and worries to help set their mind at ease. If the anxiety is severe, they may benefit from anti-anxiety medication.

Wandering around

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 60% of people with dementia are prone to wander around with no clear goal for where or why they are heading in a certain direction. They may also forget where to find familiar places like the bathroom or their bedroom. In severe cases, your loved one may wander out and away from home and put themselves in a dangerous situation.


When your loved one struggles to remember something or experiences an unexpected interruption in their daily routine, they may experience agitation, anger, and other sudden changes in their mood. Agitation may manifest as verbal outbursts, pacing, crying, or physical aggression.

Misplacing things

We all lose our keys from time to time, but people with dementia often store important documents or items necessary for their daily activities in peculiar and unlikely places. When they can’t find them later, they may point fingers and suggest that someone stole their valuables.

If you’re concerned about your loved one’s deteriorating memory, turn to our caring and experienced team. In addition to balancing hormones and ensuring there are no vitamin deficiencies, we offer the renowned Bresden Protocol to help reverse and improve cognitive decline. 

To learn more, call now or request an appointment online.

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