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Here's What Happens to Your Body When Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

Hormones affect the quality of life of both men and women. When estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, thyroid, and growth hormones are out of whack, so are you. At The Well for Health, our expert practitioners respond to the signs that your body has a hormone issue with evaluation and replacement hormones to bring you back into alignment.

People in Davidson, North Carolina, can contact our office to take advantage of our expertise treating hormone imbalances and our range of solutions, including guidance in lifestyle changes, bioidentical hormone therapy, optimization of adrenal and thyroid function, and hormone replacement therapy. Read on to learn how you might benefit.

What hormones do

Hormones play a huge role in your normal functioning. They control heart rate, sleep cycles, sexual function, and reproduction. Your metabolism, appetite, growth and development, mood, stress, and body temperatures are all affected by hormones.

While you may hear a lot about how hormones affect women’s function and life, they play an important role for men, too. Women are largely governed by estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones; men need adequate testosterone to feel their best.

Imbalances can occur in other hormones, too. Adrenal imbalances, thyroid issues, and inadequate growth hormones can also cause problems with weight gain, mood issues, and energy.

Signs of hormone imbalance

Men and women may experience similar symptoms when hormones are out of balance. You may have trouble sleeping or struggle to get up in the morning, even if you’ve had a full night of sleep. You rely on caffeine to get you through the morning and afternoon.

Your emotions are erratic. You get cranky and irritable often, and you have energy crashes. Stress seems overwhelming sometimes, and you’re prone to depression or anxiety.

Hormones are also important to your sexual function. Men with hormone imbalances may experience a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction. Women may also feel less than amorous in the bedroom and experience vaginal dryness that makes intercourse uncomfortable and even painful.

Weight gain is common with hormone imbalances. Women may start to see pounds pile around their middle, and men find it harder to build muscle while fat accrues. Hunger is uncontrollable at times.

Physical symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, and increased sensitivity to temperature.

Causes of hormone imbalance

You might experience changes in your hormones due to aging — it’s natural to see sex hormones alter in women around the time of menopause and men in their older years. Excessive stress or exercise can lead to an imbalance in your adrenals. Thyroid hormone imbalances may be caused by disease.

Regardless of why you have an imbalance in your hormones, you don’t have to tolerate the discomfort. The Well for Health can help. We identify the imbalance and offer solutions — whether that be replacement hormones, a personalized program of dietary and other lifestyle changes, or adrenal or thyroid optimization.

If you’re ready to feel like yourself again and banish the symptoms of erratic hormones, call The Well for Health or schedule an appointment online.

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