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Is My Lack of Interest in Sex Normal?

If you feel discouraged, frustrated, or even embarrassed by your lack of interest in sex, you’re not alone. Around 43% of women and 31% of men have reported sexual dysfunction problems, such as low sex drive. Young or old, male or female, no one is safe from low sex drive. Fortunately, it’s treatable. 

At The Well for Health, we specialize in treating sexual dysfunctions of all kinds, especially low sex drive. We can get to the bottom of your lack of interest in sex and guide you toward a treatment plan that will restore the passion in your life. 

Overview of low libido

Your sex drive, also called your libido, is mainly controlled by hormones. The prominent sex hormones for women are estrogen and progesterone, though women do produce a low level of testosterone as well. The prominent sex hormone for men is testosterone. No matter the gender, though, testosterone is the driving force behind sexual desire in both men and women, and hormonal changes can have a huge impact on your interest in sex.

Changes in libido can affect both men and women in similar and different ways. Understanding the underlying cause of your low libido can help us better treat you and get you back to a more pleasurable lifestyle.

Libido changes in women

Because women have much lower levels of testosterone, they’re much less likely to want to have sex in the first place. However, there are lots of other reasons you might not be in the mood, including:

You’re stressed out

If you’re stressed out, sex may be the last thing on your mind. For men, sex can often be a stress reducer, but this isn’t always the case for women. Try writing down what’s stressing you or seek other ways to cope with stress so you can find time for intimacy. 

You’re taking birth control

We mentioned that women have a small amount of testosterone, the hormone that drives sex. If you’re taking a hormonal contraceptive, you reduce the amount of testosterone in your body.

The pill also gets rids of the ovulation part of the menstrual cycle, which is when women normally feel most in the mood for sex. If you’re noticing a low sex drive, talk to us about different birth control options. Pregnancy can also be a cause of low libido in women. 

You’re feeling pain

Sometimes sex just doesn’t feel good, and that’s what’s causing you to cringe at the mention of it. Don’t ignore pain with sex. You could just be dry and in need of lubrication, or you could have an STD or endometriosis. Call us today if you’re experiencing painful sex. 

Libido changes in men

If you’re a man and have a low sex drive, this could be due to a few reasons, including:

Your testosterone levels are low

Low testosterone is the leading cause of low libido in men. There are lots of reasons you could be experiencing low testosterone levels, including injury to your testicles, hormonal disorders, testicular cancer, infections, or other chronic illness. Low testosterone is typically easy to treat by replacing lost testosterone through hormone replacement therapy

You’re exercising too little

If you’ve been stuck on the couch for a long time with little to no physical activity, you may have developed health problems, such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or Type 2 diabetes, all of which can affect your sex drive. 

You’re getting older

As you age, your testosterone levels drop off. Your testosterone is highest when you’re a teenager and then starts to dissipate when you reach adulthood.

Libido changes in both men and women

The cause of low libido isn’t always due to hormone fluctuations. If you’re simply tired or not feeling your best emotionally or physically, you might not want to be intimate. Alcohol and drugs can also affect your interest in intimacy. And, if you’re in a long-term relationship, your passion may have dwindled. 

Whatever is causing your lack of interest in sex, you’re never far away from returning to a life of passion. Our highly trained experts can check for hormone deficiencies, psychological factors, and underlying medical conditions and encourage lifestyle changes to treat your libido issues. 

Don’t let another passionless day go by. Let us help you reignite the fire inside. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with The Well for Health today.

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