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This is What Happens to Your Body When Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

This is What Happens to Your Body When Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

Your body features many systems that need to work together in harmony. From metabolism and respiration to reproduction and sleep, your body’s functions are varied and vital — and they need to be coordinated.

That is where hormones come in. They serve as chemical messengers throughout your body to relay messages through your bloodstream from one organ to another.

Your body functions well with this design, but if your hormones become imbalanced, it can wreak havoc in your body. Our expert team at The Well for Health, located in Davidson, North Carolina, explains what can happen to your body with an imbalance — and what you can do about it.

How your body reacts to hormone imbalance

Here are some of the ways your body reacts to a hormone imbalance:

Weight gain

Unexplained weight gain can be a signal your hormone levels are out of balance. If nothing else in your life has changed to cause weight gain, such as your diet, exercise routine, sleeping habits, or schedule, the unexplained weight could be a result of a shift in the hormones that affect fat storage. 


If your moods fluctuate to the point where you’re dealing with unexplained anger, irritability, and depression, it could point to a hormone imbalance. Changes in the main sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) can also often cause mood issues.

Excessive fatigue

Chronic fatigue is associated with a deficiency in your thyroid hormone. But it isn’t the only culprit because low estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone can also cause fatigue. Yet another cause of excessive tiredness is adrenal fatigue. 

Hair loss

If you are losing hair at an advanced rate or notice many hairs in the drain after a shower, it could be a hormone imbalance. Hair loss in women primarily occurs when they have too much of a certain derivative of testosterone. 

Digestive issues

Your digestive system is complicated because so many organs have to work together, and they rely on hormones to function. If these hormones become imbalanced, you might experience an upset digestive symptom.

Skin changes

Teenagers in puberty may think of hormones as those things that cause acne, but hormones don’t stop affecting your skin when you become an adult. Hormone imbalances can still cause skin issues or changes, such as dryness, flakiness, red spots, puffiness, and acne breakouts.

Unexplained aches and pains 

If your body feels achy even though you didn’t do anything to cause muscle or joint pain, the aches and pains may be due to low testosterone, hypothyroidism, or the change in hormone levels that occurs in menopause.

These aren’t the only changes due to hormone imbalances, so if you’re experiencing other symptoms but can’t determine the cause, talk to our team as soon as possible. 

How to correct a hormone imbalance

At The Well for Health, our doctors offer several treatment options for hormone imbalances. We will review your medical history, learn about your current symptoms, and run lab tests before developing a treatment plan.

Depending on the cause of the imbalance (age and disease are common causes), it can sometimes be remedied with lifestyle changes or natural remedies — you can try adjusting your exercise routine, diet, or sleep schedule, for instance.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Other options include traditional hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Bioidentical hormones mimic the actual chemical structure of the hormones your body naturally produces. When you take them to restore your hormone levels, you can minimize or eliminate many of the symptoms you’re dealing with.

If you think you may be struggling with a hormone imbalance, call The Well for Health at 980-289-0657 to schedule an appointment, or book your appointment online today.

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