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Understanding the Various Factors That Can Contribute to Low Libido

Understanding the Various Factors That Can Contribute to Low Libido

Most people know that libido is another word for sexual desire, but what many don’t know is that your libido is affected by lots of factors. Fluctuations in any of those factors can have a major impact on your level of sexual desire, and it can take a toll on your intimate relationships and your quality of life, as well.

At The Well for Health, our team helps women and men enhance their sexual desire with custom care focused on supporting a healthy libido. Here, we explain what affects your libido and what our team can do to help.

Physical factors

Lots of physical factors come into play when it comes to your libido and your overall sexual health. While you can modify some factors with treatment, others are uncontrollable.

Age is a common factor affecting sexual desire. Both women and men tend to experience decreased libido as they age, in large part due to declines in estrogen and testosterone. 

What’s more, hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause and perimenopause (the years leading up to menopause) can cause physical changes, like vaginal dryness, that makes sex uncomfortable. Low testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction, making sexual activity more difficult and often leading to stress or feelings of inadequacy that just make the problem worse.

Some people have chronic illnesses that can interfere with sex or cause hormonal imbalances. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), heart disease, thyroid disorders, and diabetes can affect sexual desire and function, and so can some of the medicines that treat these diseases.

Emotional factors

While many people consider a decline in sexual desire to be primarily a physical problem, emotional factors often play a significant role. Certainly, high levels of anxiety or chronic stress can make it difficult to feel interested in sex or to find satisfaction in sexual activity.

Depression, low self-esteem, and poor body image are also associated with decreases in libido. Like heart disease, medicines used to treat depression can also lead to a decline in sexual desire. Many people with chronic stress or anxiety have sleep problems that leave them feeling too tired for sex.

Relationship issues are another common cause of stress and, not surprisingly, another contributor to low libido. When you don’t feel connected to your partner, arousal and interest in deeper levels of intimacy are more challenging.

Lifestyle factors

Many people can improve their sex drive simply by making a few simple changes to everyday habits. For instance, quitting smoking may help with erectile dysfunction by improving circulation to the penis. Cutting back on alcohol consumption may improve libido, as well.

It’s also important to exercise regularly and follow a healthy eating plan. Both these habits can improve your underlying physical health, keep depression and anxiety at more manageable levels, and help you drop extra pounds that could be causing physical health problems or affecting your body image and confidence in negative ways.

Improving your sleep habits is another lifestyle fix that can improve libido. You’re more likely to feel “in the mood” when you’re well rested, and better sleep can also improve emotional health issues like depression and anxiety.

A multifaceted approach to care

Because your libido can be affected by so many factors, our team uses a multifaceted approach to help boost your sexual desire and improve your sexual wellness in other ways, too. 

Treatment begins with a review of your symptoms and your health history, a physical exam, and lab work to assess your hormone levels, assess for nutrient deficiencies, and check for other signs of underlying health problems.

Many people benefit from healthier lifestyle choices focused on improving their diet, reducing stress levels, increasing physical activity, and improving their sleep habits. Quitting smoking and cutting back on alcohol consumption can also help.

For people with hormone imbalances, our team frequently recommends bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to supplement the hormones naturally produced by your body. Counseling is another important treatment option to help reduce stress and enable you to manage depression, anxiety, and relationship stressors.

Improve your libido, improve your quality of life

A low libido doesn’t just take a toll on your sex life. It can influence your health and wellness in other ways, too. To learn how we can help you find a solution, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at The Well for Health in Mooresville, North Carolina, today.

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