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What Makes the Bredesen Protocol So Effective in Treating Dementia?

Dementia conditions affect millions of people worldwide, causing memory loss and other symptoms as people grow older. The most common form of dementia is caused by Alzheimer's disease (AD), with more than 5 million patients in the United States and about 30 million around the globe. 

While an AD diagnosis seemed like a permanent sentence in the past, the revolutionary treatment protocol developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen offers hope for patients dealing with dementia today.

At The Well for Health, nurse practitioner Diane Parks and the rest of our team advise our patients on dementia issues. With significant experience and training in the Bredesen approach, our team can help you put together a plan for implementing the Bredesen Protocol and potentially reversing the impacts of dementia.

A whole-body approach to dementia treatment

Treating the symptoms of dementia rarely leads to real improvements. In order to reverse the detrimental effects of conditions like AD, a whole-body approach that addresses multiple systems at once is needed. The Bredesen protocol determines your risk factors based on your genetics, lifestyle, and current health, then addresses the unique underlying causes in each case. Used together, functional and lifestyle medicine strategies can roll back the effects of mild dementia within 6 months.

Multiple approaches for networked healing

The Bredesen Protocol employs a comprehensive, programmatic approach to encourage epigenetic transformation and neurologic healing. All of the components of the protocol, from lifestyle changes to medications, are necessary to achieve healing. The different elements of the protocol are synergistic, allowing your body to recover a healthy equilibrium that can reduce or eliminate signs of early or mild dementia.

Bredesen Protocol areas of treatment include:

During a series of follow-up appointments, we evaluate your results based on blood tests, cognitive evaluations, and physical exams to check for overall health improvements. Many patients find that they can eventually return to normal life activities after following the protocol, and most see some reversal of cognitive impairment.

Unique to you

Each treatment plan under the Bredesen Protocol is uniquely tailored to the patient's needs. We continue to adjust your plan as you heal in order to provide optimal results. The treatment is aimed at improving your overall well-being, and doesn't have any adverse side effects. While the Bredesen Protocol is cutting-edge medicine that is still being studied, lifestyle medicine options provide real hope for reversing cognitive decline.

At The Well for Health, we use both conventional and complementary medicine to support your health. When you get in touch, you receive a free 15-minute telephone consultation. When you visit our clinic, we guide you through the process of getting started with the Bredesen Protocol, based on your unique symptoms and medical history. We support you through your journey of healing from dementia with check-ups, testing, and plan adjustments. 

To begin your path to treatment, call our office in Davidson, North Carolina, or book your appointment using our online tool.

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